Time-of-travel capture zone using a conjunctive groundwater and surface water flow solution near Vincennes, IN
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The figure represents the GFLOW model window with menus and smart icons along the top of the window and a status bar with model information along the bottom. The light blue poly-line represents the stream flow in City Ditch south of Vincennes, IN. The line-thickness is proportional to the stream flow. The headwaters of the ditch inside the city are grey, indicating that the ditch is dry under average conditions (ephemeral stream). Wabash River has been modeled with a string of line-sinks on both sides of the river. The yellow poly-lines to the east and the west of Wabash River form the boundary of the highly permeable channel deposits surrounding the river. The hydraulic conductivity of the channel deposits is 350 feet/day, while on the outside it is 50 feet/day. The recharge inside the channel deposits is also modeled as being higher than on the outside. The red path lines that converge on the well, just to the south of the city, represent the 10-year time-of-travel zone. The model has first been calibrated by hand after which several model parameters have been optimized using PEST.